Why Have A Summerland Gardens Hours
I pay good money for the best medical care in the city. I promise, you will get better, but you Summerland Gardens Hours have to take the medicine prescribed for you by an actual doctor. These snake oil sales pitches that sucker you in are ripping you off, and making you sicker.”
He leaned back and smiled.
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Summerland Gardens Hours |
“Just fluff my pillows and bring me soup Jillian. No more
saccharin pharmaceuticals, okay? I told you, I took care of it.”
“You're crazy. And I can't take it anymore. I have been here through Summerland Gardens Hours it all... the hospitals, the tests, the transfusions... I've bathed you and fed you and changed you... but if you won't do what you are supposed to do, geez, if you won't help yourself, then... I'm done.”
He patted my hand. “It's okay Jilly. You'll see. I'll be up and
dancing in three days.”
Tears rolled down my cheeks. He was a breathing skeleton. In three
days my only brother would be dead.
But in three days, sure enough, Sol was up dancing around. And I
could have sworn he looked ten years younger. “Oh my sweet Lord,
Sol.... what have you done?” It was a miracle.
He smiled Summerland Gardens Hours at me, grabbed my hand, and twirled me around. It made me dizzy and
giddy. I was thrilled. For the moment. “I'm well Jilly. I've been cured.”
He paused and a sly grin crept across his face. “You know, you
don't look so good is. I hope you're not getting.... sick.” All at
once, I felt weak as his face twisted into an evil contortion. My skin was
feverish and then ice cold.
I screamed at him. “Solomon, no... how could you?” He sighed, and
a relaxed expression returned to his face. He was Solomon again. But no, he
wasn't. He spoke in a gravelly whisper. “It was easy. You see, I wanted to
live, and in exchange... all I had to do was offer up the three people I loved
the most.
You, mom, and dad. A tough sacrifice Jilly, but now I'll live
forever. I'm sorry Jillian... I truly am. But I just couldn't be sick anymore.
It really wears you down. I was given a choice, and well, I chose to live.”
I didn't want to believe it, but I did. “What? A choice? Who gave
you a choice like that? Sol... really... who? What... It's not possible...” My
head was spinning and my voice trailed off. I felt ill, suddenly not just heart
sick, but physically sick, in the pit of my stomach. I ran towards the bathroom
but didn't make it. I vomited twice in the hall.
Sol was right there with me; he pulled back my hair and wiped my
mouth on the sleeve of his shirt. “Don't worry Jilly... I'm here for you. I'll
take care of you like you did for me. And you'll get through it just like I
did. But you'll take your medicine, won't you? And you'll get better, just like
you said I would.”
I couldn't fathom what was happening; it just didn't register in
my mind. No....he wouldn't have, even if he could. His own family? I was his
only sister, he wouldn't have bargained me away to... to what? He hadn't even
said. He stroked my hair. “Don't you worry Jilly, you have a choice too. I know
the remedy, and it won't cost you a dime.”
“Is that you Jamie?” She
squinted without her glasses. I knew she couldn't make out my face.
I squeezed her hand gently. “No ma, it's Joey. Don't try to move,
you were in a car accident. You're in the hospital now...everything will be
okay.” She groaned and her eyes fluttered. “Where's Jamie?” She croaked, her
voice dry and brittle. “Don't try to talk ma... just get your rest.”
I bowed my head and stared at the green tile floor. Should I tell
her that I was all she had left now? Jamie had died six hours ago in the
ambulance on the way to the hospital. I knew somehow she would blame me, she
always had; for everything. I'd spent my life apologizing for never being good
enough; for never being Jamie. And now he was dead and I was the one left to
comfort her.
I swallowed hard and let go of her hand. Maybe it would be better
for everyone if she didn't pull through. It would certainly be better for me.
The thought sickened me and yet gave me hope. She'd done nothing but make my
life hell. Twenty-seven years, and she'd hated me for every single one of them.
I looked around. No one was watching... She was in bad shape;
broken and old. It wouldn't take much. “Ma... Jamie didn't make it. He's dead.”
It took a moment for it to sink in. Then her eyes opened wide and machines
started beeping erratically.
She opened her mouth but no sound came out. Cardiac
arrest. Nurses rushed to her and doctors came in as I backed
away slowly; watching through tears as they tried to save my mother.
Was I really sad? She'd never loved me. The only one she had loved
died today, and now she would join him.
I would go on living. A peaceful life now, with both of them gone.
I should've been grief-stricken. I should have been heartsick to the core. Two
family members were taken from me right here during the holidays. But
my tears were tears of joy. I was free.
I had been warned.
Never against his will. It would end badly.
But I was willing to risk it, even if he wasn't.
I waited a long time before I moved his body. It had been at least
an hour. Within the first ten minutes, I'd stopped bleeding and my wound had
begun to close. I traced my fingers along my neck and remembered how good it
felt to be on the receiving end again.
It had been eons since I'd had that pleasure. A dark alley in the
early 18th century; there had been two of them. And I'd never been paid. Unless
the token of immortality had been my wage. I remembered them fondly. One light
and one dark, shredding my clothes and then my skin. It was beautiful savagery
that I would never experience again. Until tonight.
It was after midnight, and the street below was quiet. I sat on
the living room floor of the darkened apartment, the light from the bedroom
down the hall barely illuminating the scene. There was a growing puddle of
blood on the floor and crimson streaks down the wall. And it was on his mouth.
Flashbacks in my head... his mouth on my neck, the exquisite pain, and then the
ecstasy. I'd forced him to feed. He hadn't wanted it. At least not at first. He
had fought me, and then he'd lost control.
Frenzied tearing into my throat until I threw him across the room.
His head smashed against the wall cracking his skull open; splattering blood
across the pink floral wallpaper. He hit the floor with a sick thud and I sat
there, shocked at my own brutality. I'd never done that. He bled out in front
of me and I did nothing to stop it. I could have healed him; stopped his
transformation. Something.
But the truth...I was overjoyed; his humanity had drained, and it
wouldn't be long now.
My feelings had over-ruled my better judgment. I loved him and I
wanted him to be one of us... like me.
Where Are The Best Summerland Gardens Hours?
I'd asked, and he'd said no. But I'd made him do it anyway. And
he'd loved it, just like I knew he would. Would he hate me when he
resurrected? Would he finish ripping into my throat? Or would he take me as the
humans did to each other? Stripping my clothes away to press his bare body
against mine, and inside of mine, trying to become me, to own me. Was it really
so different than what I had done?
I stared at his serene face. He looked dead; his face was pale,
his eyes closed and darkness creeping in around the lids. I wanted to kiss him.
I did not. He was as perfect in mortal death as he had been in life. I stroked
his wild blond hair and caressed the side of his face. He had immaculate
features; chiseled cheekbones and a pouty bow mouth that was made for kissing.
My eyes traveled over the rest of him; his onyx shirt unbuttoned
revealing a smooth chest and a raven tattoo. Even lifeless, his hot body
screamed out for my vampiric desires. Who could've resisted?
I'd fed on him numerous times and he was none the wiser. I'd
hidden the memory from him; I was nothing more than the beautiful and the mysterious woman that lived in the apartment across the hall. Occasionally we'd
meet on the elevator or in the stairwell, and he'd look at me with a puzzled
expression, waving sheepishly before he made himself turn away.
I always returned his glances with an innocent smile, fighting the
urge to lick my lips as I remembered his salty coppers. I craved him. And I'd
broken my own rule by continuing to feed on him. Once and then move on. But he
tasted so damn good, I couldn't leave him. And then I'd really screwed up, I'd
allowed it... that feeling.
Love; such a twisted emotion.
It makes the body want things the mind knows it can't have; that
it shouldn't have. And vampires don't like being told 'no'. I continued
waiting; impatiently for hours until he regained consciousness. Now he was fully
awake in his new form. A vampire likes me. I smiled at him.
It was immediately apparent he did not share in my elation. He was
upon me in seconds, using his newfound strength to pin me against the wall. My
joy had made me weak. He didn't know he couldn't physically hurt me,
but he sure gave it his best shot.
He was tireless, and the night dragged on with him wailing away
upon my body until finally, his anger wore him down. He would never
know how to truly hurt me... the one action he could take that would break me.
I would never let it happen. I would revel in his anger and his hatred, the
knowledge that he felt something for me. As long as I could be
with him forever, I could be happy. And maybe one day, he would be
happy too. But for now...
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